<>Zamknij X

The highest quality. Always fresh goods.


We choose our suppliers based on quality products, not about the price. We offer more than 1,000 products, selected from all countries of the Mediterranean, such as Greece, Turkey , Middle East, Italy , southern France , etc.

All products in the offer have been previously purchased and tested by our tasters. We make every effort to ensure that our products are always fresh, kept at appropriate temperatures. To ensure maximum quality, each item before going to the customer is checked by our staff.


Fast delivery


We deliver from Monday to Friday. The customer selects the most convenient goods commutation interval. Each order is realized not later than within 24 hours.

Upon delivery, the Customer receives an invoice. We also offer a personal collection of the goods. Then only we complete your order, and our staff will help with the loading hall.


Easy to order


Orders can be made by phone or email or in person, as well as directly with our sales representativ.



Copyright by BMA Group Sp. z o.o.

ul. Poznańska 98, 05-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki

NIP 5252572046, REGON 146982470, KRS 0000486208